Hi I have added this page for anyone that would like to know a little bit about me and what I and this blog is all about.
My name is Tara and I am mum to five amazing children who make me smile every day, we live in Essex, England. This is a city about an hour away from London.
I work part-time at a school. I love my job but I do find it very difficult to work and keep on top of everything at home as well.
This blog is partly about how I organise our life, there will be cleaning updates (including photos of anything that seems to be getting out of hand) Sorry! There will be packed lunch menus for the week, this is so that I can ensure that the children are getting a varied and healthy lunch each day, hopefully it might give you some ideas too if you are stuck.
There will be a main meal menu for the week this is so that we can try to stick to a £100 a week shopping budget and Menu Planning seems to be the way to achieve that.
I will show our budget each week and when we are in a position to start saving I will update you on how much is going into our savings account.
The main reason that I have started this blog is to hold myself accountable for our daily life, it is very easy to let work take over and daily life to take a back seat. We are an ordinary family, with ordinary jobs trying to make the best of things and make life work for us so that we and our children are happy and get to have some fun experiences along the way.
If you would like to visit me I will be very happy to have you and if you take the time out of your day to comment on anything I have written I will always try to reply.
If you have anything that you would like to discuss with me privately you can contact me on Tara.bush@live.co.uk
Thank you for popping in and I look forward to chatting with you.
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