Tuesday, 25 October 2016

I just love days with my darlings!

Things we achieved today:-
  • Twenty minutes ironing (I am trying to cut down on what I iron to save time and money - electric)
  • Washing put on
  • Washing hung on airer
  • Apples taken off the tree (by the children), washed and currently in the bowl (see above)
  • Beds made
  • Sausage rolls made
  • Apple sauce made
  • Roast pork cooked for dinner (yum)
  • Hovered downstairs and staircase

We had a day of pottering and doing bits and bobs. Its been very pleasant. This morning the children did some painting.

Its been a few years since I have let them paint after an incident whereby we were decorating upstairs and they decided to surprise us by painting the lounge for us. (including the ceiling, uh oh!). But today worked out much better, I guess age had something to do with it.

The children then helped me to get some of the apples off our tree, my fourteen year old lifted my nine year and daughter onto his shoulders in turn and they passed the apples they got to their younger brother. We had plenty for eating and some for making apple sauce which we are going to have with tonight dinner and freeze the rest.

We also made sausage rolls. I have put half in the fridge and half have gone into the freezer for another day.

We had half a pork loin left over which is sliced and three bags of apple sauce which have gone into the freezer for another nights dinner. Yay! This turned out to be a bargain as the meat only cost £5.50 in the first place. Bargain!

I have just started a price book with everything we buy, how long it lasts and the amount it costs per item/unit and I will continue this for a month and then high light what we are spending the most on and high lighting in another colour things that are treats to see exactly how many treat items we are having.

We spent this evening playing games together. What fun!

Have a lovely evening and take care


  1. It sounds like you've had a lovely day and everyone had a good, yet productive, time! Apples fresh from your tree! That sounds wonderful and they look very delicious, too. And sausage rolls! Yum! Hope you continue to have a fun week off.

  2. The sausage rolls are making me hungry, they look like something I would buy from the deli! I'm jealous that you're getting apples from your own backyard, that is so great.

    I'm happy that you and the kids had a wonderful day together, Tara. I hope the rest of your week is equally as wonderful!

    1. Ha, perhaps I should go into the sausage roll business.

      We should swap your pineapples for my apples wouldn't that be good.

      Thank you me too xx
