Thursday, 20 October 2016

Nearly... Half Term! Yay!

Hello dear friends,

Its Thursday and my beautiful children have broken up from school today. Sadly, I have one day left. I dislike working on days when the children are off, mainly because I'm a bit of a control freak and like to look after my children myself and don't really feel comfortable with anyone else looking after them.

The children have advised me that I need to go off to work tomorrow and get my course on autism (which I admit will be interesting) done and they will clean the house while I'm gone and when I come home we can play board games together. Bless them, I have the best children ever!

Today, I have spent £10.00 on food mainly on stuff for tomorrows lunch, this is another control freak moment, as I'm not here to make the lunch I want to make sure that anything they may want for lunch is in the cupboards otherwise I know I will panic.

I'm starting to feel very excited about our week off together, maybe more so than normal. We have a few plans we are going to have a baking day where the children are going to make various goodies.

We are also going go to the cinemas one morning to see Finding Dory at the cheap holiday club showing. Yay Exciting.

On the Friday my daughter and I are going to one of her best friends evening wedding receptions, the boys don't really want to come but I know we will have fun together.

Well have a lovely Friday,

Take care xx


  1. It's nice that you get a week off at half term! My son wasn't going to get the week of at end of the November (Thanksgiving) since 2 of those days are storm make-up days in exchange for the days missed due to Hurricane Matthew, but Greg wants to drive to Ohio to be with his mom at Thanksgiving and since they'll be doing a ceremony of remembrance for his dad and dispose of his ashes, he wants to bring our son and take him out of school. So he'll be getting his week off anyway, although 4 days of it will be spent in the car... some break!

    I still haven't seen Finding Dory. At this point, I'll just wait until it's on DVD and on Netflix or available at the library. I hope you guys enjoy it and that your kids follow through with their plans for tomorrow. It would be lovely to come home to a clean house!

    Enjoy your autism training.

    1. I'm surprised thanksgiving is a time the school would try to claw their hurricane days back from. Sounds like thanksgiving isn't going to be much of a break for anyone this year... What a shame!

      They did clean for me bless them especially their rooms. It was lovely to see them when I got in I really missed them xxx

    2. It's rare that the schools close for any storms (it really hasn't happened in the past 10 years) so in the past no one really worried too much about the storm make-up days. They used to have them during the last 2 days of school for the whole school year, but they know that no one learns anything or even studies during the last 3 days of school so they switched them to Thanksgiving so they could actually give everyone the whole week off most years.

      The first day they missed this year is being made up by staying an extra hour on Wednesdays for several weeks but I guess they didn't want to do that for the other 2 days.

      It's wonderful that the kids cleaned their rooms. Tell them I'm very impressed! Have fun on your break!

  2. How nice of your kids to clean up their rooms! I hope you have a lovely break!
