It has been a bit of a manic couple of days in our little part of the world.
Sweet man has been away in Belgium for the last few days and a lot has happened to him during that time, with job offers in a different country, another local company ringing to discuss a job they have had arise and his own company ask if he would be interested in going for a promotion. Poor man is sitting here completely confused.
Yesterday, I received a phone call from sweet boy 2's school asking if I could go down there straight away. When I arrived I was asked to go into the medical room (always a bad sign). There he was with his legs covered in the most horrific grazes I have ever seen. The medical lady advised me he had an accident playing basketball and she was sorry his legs were a mangled mess.
We went to the doctors and they removed a cupful of gravel from his knees. Poor boy. He now has large medical swabs on both knees and has to go back Friday.
Today I found out that my youngest, sweetest little man has dyslexia. I knew he struggled reading and writing and at the back of my mind I think I had an idea this was likely but to hear it was difficult especially as he is the type of child who accepts everything. But now I know it is time to fight and see what help I can get for my darling little fellow. If anyone has any advise on what you can do to help a dyslexic child please could you let me know. You can contact me on my blog or on my email address which is on my information page.
On a fun note my eldest boy is off tomorrow with his dad and my brother to the Munich beer festival for a belated birthday present. I hope he has a wonderful time!
Well that's it for today as I need a large glass of wine. Have a great evening!