Monday, 17 August 2015

Menu plan monday 17/08/15 - 23/08/15

Good morning, it's Monday again, wow these weeks go by quickly before we know it we will be heading back to school.

I need to start shopping for school things soon. On that note Sainsbury's has 25% off their clothing starting tomorrow 18/08/15, for anyone that is interested.


 chicken fajitas and salad


Dinner at mother-in-laws


Fish, mashed Potatoes and corn on the cob


Leftovers from the freezer


Pizza and Garlic bread


Birthday tea (This will be sweet boy 4's choice)


Breakfast for dinner

Breakfasts will be the usual cereal, toast, bagels, crumpets and maybe croissants for sweet boy 4's birthday.

Lunches will be sandwiches, fruit, crisps and cake or a biscuit.

Last week we stuck to our menu for the first part of the week however we did have McDonald's instead of freezer leftovers which is why it has been moved to this week, we had Spaghetti Bolognese instead of a barbeque mainly because I fancied it but the weather wasn't too good either and finally instead of a roast we had breakfast for dinner.

This week we have a birthday, our youngest, is going to be seven (I don't know where the time has gone), its a tradition in our house that the birthday boy/girl gets to choose dinner.

Have a lovely day, I am going birthday shopping now!


  1. I always think the great think about having a menu plan is being able to change it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Nicole, Its lovely to have you visit. I completely agree and MIL has cancelled dinner today So I can try those yummy looking Samosas.
