Monday, 29 February 2016

Menu Plan Monday

Good Evening, I hope you have had a good Monday.

It has been a normal Monday around here, except I was a mean mummy this morning! I don't like being harsh with my children because in all honesty I think I have wonderful children but today, I was upset with them. Only the two youngest, because I had asked them several times at the weekend to tidy their bedroom. This morning my eight year old couldn't find his school shoes making us late leaving. I eventually found his shoes under his bed with a mountain of other rubbish. So nasty mean mummy told them if they didn't clean it up tonight I would take two large boxes into their room and take everything to the tip. They cried all the way to school. But they now have a tidy bedroom and they both feel very pleased with themselves and have found a couple of books I was in the middle of reading them, that they couldn't find.

Monday - Chicken Fajitas with salad and Mexican bean rice

Tuesday - Spaghetti Bolognese

Wednesday - One pan sausage and new potatoes bake

Thursday - Home cooked Gammon sandwiches

Friday - Pizza and Garlic bread

Saturday - Chilli and Rice

Sunday - Leftovers

Last night, I finished the book I was reading so as my eldest son seems to be tired tonight and not his usual chatty self, I might have an early'ish night and start my new book.

I sold a game and some cushions on eBay this weekend, so I need to post them this weekend and list some more items.

I only walked three miles today (slacker) and the only housework I have done today is put the dishwasher on, clean the kitchen and put on a load of washing.

I did have wash the floors and some ironing on my list too but they can wait until tomorrow. I'm too tired.

Now doesn't that look inviting?

Well that's it from me for today, have a lovely evening and take care xx

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Simple Sundays

Good evening, I hope you have had a nice day.

Things I have achieved today :-

  • Two loads of washing
  • Dishwasher put on twice
  • Beds made
  • Visited my mum and dad
  • Cleaned the kitchen
I have spent quite a lot of the day reading my book and watching a few episodes of Lucifer. (It's funny).

Yesterday late afternoon/evening I went and did the weekly shop. I did spend more than I like to one weekly shop but it did include toilet rolls and cleaning materials (enough for the month).

I also bought quite a lot of:-

12 Chicken breasts
1 kilo Minced beef
Gammon joint
18 Sausages
2 Lasagnes (ready made)


Crunchy Nut Cornflakes
Cinnamon cereal
20 croissants
20 Chocolate croissants
8 strawberry pop tarts

Fruit and vegetables

2 packs new potatoes
2 packs white potatoes
Sweetcorn x2

General groceries

Potato salad
Garlic sausage
3x Pizzas
Garlic bread
4 packs crisps (packed lunches)
Gold/penguin bars (packed lunches)
Jaffe cakes
Mango & lime juice
2 bottles Pepsi Max
Vimto juice

Hopefully this should last all of this week and I should have a smaller shop next week.

My main shop was done at Lidl it came to £64.95 but I had a £5.00 off voucher bringing it down to £59.95. I then did a small shop in Farmfoods which included the toilet rolls and a few of the groceries at a total of £10.50 and finally the cleaning materials, beers and Pizza were bought at Tesco and came to a total of £35.00 but I had £2.00 off with coupons so spending £33.00

The complete shop came Toa total of £103.45 this is £23.45 over my weekly shopping allowance but hopefully I can regain this over the next couple of week.

I also spent £3.99 today to buy my mum some flowers. They made her smile and although it was a small bunch because of that worth every penny.

Have a lovely evening and take care xx

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Brief saturday post

Good evening, I hope you have had a nice day.

My day has not been the best I found out today that my mum and dads dog passed away this week.

This has had quite a big affect on my family as they all loved that dog especially my thirteen year old and my daughter. My children have all decided to take themselves off to bed early.

I am very sad about the dog as he was lovely but even more I am very concerned about my mum and dad and how this will affect them, so I hope you don't mind but tonight post is going to be very brief and I am going to join my children in an early night.

RIP darling Kuba, I hope you are with Nan as I know if you are you will take good care of each other.

I hope you have a nice evening and my posts will be back to normal tomorrow

Take care xx

Friday, 26 February 2016

Hello dear friends, so here we are at another Friday evening and almost at the end of February, wow, this year seems to be going very quickly.

I am looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend although I desperately need to go shopping, we got home from school today and my little people were very hungry but we had no snacks. So I need to do a full weeks worth of shopping including cleaning materials. Luckily I have managed to accumulate a few coupons over the last couple of weeks so hopefully that will save me some money on a big shop.

I have walked nine miles today and have to admit to feeling quite worn out now so I am writing this post and watching Outlander on Amazon Prime. I have only just started to watch this series but I quite like how it flicks from wartime France to 1700 Scotland and follows the life of a young woman who travels back in time after touching a medieval stone.

Things that have made me smile, happy and laugh today

  • One of my best friends popping round for a cup of tea after school today
  • My darling daughter tidying her bedroom without me even having to ask her
  • My eight year old having another good week at school (I'm so proud of him)
Things I would like to achieve this weekend

  • I would like to take my children on a bike ride
  • I would like to see my mum and dad
  • I would like to make cakes and cookies with the children for school next week
  • I would like to start digging over a vegetable area in the garden
  • I would like to wash all the bedding
  • I would like to read stories and watch kids movies with the children
  • I would like to get next weeks shopping done
Well that's about it from me for today, have a nice evening and take care xx

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Good evening.

Do you like the above picture, it reminded me of summer and as it has suddenly turned so cold again I thought it might be nice to be reminded that the warm summer weather is not really too far away, even though at the moment it might feel like forever!

I am going to start off by admitting that I did no walking today. Oops. I had the car for a complete change. This was a good thing though because it took my son so long to do his homework that he had to finish it off after he had his breakfast this morning.  If we had been walking this would have made us late.

What has made me smile, laugh or happy today

  • Being able to drive to and from work (walking can be tiring)
  • Being told that my daughters behaviour was excellent at the grammar school yesterday
Todays post is going to be a quick one as I have promised my eldest son that I will help him to organise some college visit days whilst he is in America and I also have to go and pick my thirteen year old up from cadets shortly.

Things I have done at home today are:-

  • Make beds
  • Put the dishwasher on
  • Put the washing machine on
  • Swept the floor
  • Wiped over the bathroom and toilet
Do you have any good ideas for mothers day presents? As you will know if you are a regular reader my mum is amazing and I would really like to get her something for mothers day that she would really like and enjoy but as I am on quite a tight budget it has to be affordable so if you have any ideas please comment below, I would love to hear from you.

Well that's it from me today.

Have a lovely evening and take care xx

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Wednesday chat

Good evening. I hope you have had a lovely day.

Lets open the with:-

The things that made me laugh, smile and happy today

  • My daughter had a fantastic day at the local grammar school today, and was so excited when he met me after school that she jumped up and down whilst telling me about her day.
  • My eldest son has got a fantastic deal of virgin return flights to New York in May.
  • My eight year old saved me some of his lunch today because he knew I hadn't taken any lunch with me (I had cream crackers walking home)
I'm afraid that's about it for today, I have been a bit grumpy. Unfortunately every bit of tech whether it be computers or printers that I needed to use today decided it was going to have an issue and I had to waste quite a lot of my day re-doing things. 

I have not done very much at home today other than:-

  • load the dishwasher
  • Put some washing on
  • Make the beds
  • Clean the kitchen
That's really lazy don't you think?  I have walked five miles today so at least I am back to getting some regular exercise again.

I didn't end up reading any of my book last night as I fell straight to sleep so tonight I think I will have another early night and this time try to read some of my book.

Have a lovely evening and take care xx

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Menu plan tuesday (oops sorry about yesterday)

Hello dear friends, tonight photo is for my family, who are Arsenal fans, and currently at the stadium awaiting Arsenals game against Barcelona. Apart from my darling dad who I am sure will be watching it at home so Good Luck Arsenal.

I'm sorry I didn't do my menu plan yesterday, my eldest son requested some help with a few things and it ended up taking all night but seeing as he is taking my daughter to the local Grammar school tomorrow I am quite happy to help.  (actually I would be even without the bribe but sshhh don't tell him).

This weeks meals are going to be different to my four weekly plan as I want to get rid of a few things in the cupboards (and its pay day next week). So here is this weeks menu plan:-

Monday was - Sausage, chips and beans

Tuesday - chicken in a tomato, onion and parmesan sauce with mini roast potatoes and veg

Wednesday - Jacket potatoes with Tuna and salad

Thursday - Bacon sandwiches

Friday -  Pizza and garlic bread

Saturday - Red Thai Curry and lime and coriander Rice

Sunday - Leftover curry.

Yesterday, I walked nine miles, this was not really by choice, I got halfway to work when I realised that I had left the iron on, so I was backwards and forwards several times.

Today, I walked five miles, I worked all day today as we had a sports competition this afternoon against our local schools and happily we won. I do like to win!

I received some coupons through the post today from Method cleaning, I mentioned last week that the Grapefruit cleaner was my favourite cleaning product so I was thrilled tonight when I received five £1.00 off coupons. Thank you Method team.  

Things that have made me smile, happy or laugh today.

  • Our school winning the sports competition
  • My daughter getting a fit of the giggles whilst saying goodnight (I love that she is happy)
  • All of my children eating all their dinner and saying they enjoyed it (for once!)
Now I am going to have a nice warm bubble bath and then go up to bed early to read some of my book, I might even make myself a hot Ribena and a hot water bottle, the ultimate luxury. I'm definitely getting old.

Have a nice evening and take care xx

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Is there a pot of gold at the end of my rainbow

Hello, happy Sunday. I hope you are having a lovely weekend.

I am going to add a new section to my blog each day and that is the things that have made me laugh/smile or happy. After all my blog is called Daily Delights, and there are certainly things that make me happy every day.

So lets make a start

The things that have made me laugh smile or happy today

  • A quick phone call from my eldest son this morning
  • My sweet eight year old climbing on my lap after my shower and telling me whilst wiping my wet hair across my face that I am in fact wet but that he doesn't mind because he loves me. (I love you too baby)
  • My youngest son asking me to sit at the breakfast table with him because he likes talking to me (This made me have some breakfast too)
  • Reading a friends blog about her leg shaving antics - hilarious!

I can foresee my life starting to move in a different direction. I don't want to look back in two years time and think I have spent over £1000 a year on television channels and all I have done is watch TV. Instead I would rather look back and think I bought Merlin passes or zoo passes and we went out in the holidays and weekends and had fun but we didn't watch much TV.

I don't want to look back and think we lived in a fairly big house but only saw those four walls, I would rather live squashed in a little house together with the people I am quite happy to be squashed with and think we can go on holiday or visit the people we love.

Am I having a mid-life crisis?

So, I will be decluttering our home over the next six months and saving as much money as possible and seriously looking at the things that truly make me happy and the things that don't make me happy at all. I think inside I know what those things are but a bit of reinforcement never goes a miss.

Today, I have:-

  • Made the beds
  • Cleaned my bedroom
  • Cleaned the kitchen
  • Put the dishwasher on
  • Put three loads of washing on
  • Wiped over the toilets
Also as part of my decluttering process I have picked the smallest cabinet I have in the house and decluttered it. Ha ha-A bit at a time.

The things I have left to do:-
  • Clean four pairs of shoes
  • Iron work clothes for tomorrow (school clothes are done already)
  • Pack up six lunches - this is nearly as bad as ironing
  • Put four games on EBay
  • Put some Goosebumps books on either EBay or Facebook sales (my little ones say they are too scary)
  • Bath the little people and make sure they are in bed at a reasonable hour
  • Go and buy a big chocolate bar - what do you mean No?
On a personal note I have done no walking
I have sold a dress on EBay -yippee
I have done two competitions for holidays in Florida - now wouldn't that be nice!

Have a lovely evening and take care xx

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Saturday chat

Hi, I hope the you are having a nice weekend.

My picture for today is of Central Park in New York and it is on my bucket list. I would love to stand on that bridge with a take away Caramel latte and chat to the people that mean the world to me. What would you like to do on that bridge?

I have not done very much today apart from:-

  • Hoover downstairs
  • Go to the shops a couple of times to pick up a few bits not a proper shop
  • Put the washing machine on
  • Put the dishwasher on twice
  • I read a chapter of my book this morning before I got up
  • I did five competitions
  • I did two online reviews
My littlest man lost his other front tooth today, he lost the other one a couple of weeks ago and is completely gappy now!

I helped make two bacon and potato hotpots for today and tomorrows dinner (that's if it doesn't get eaten by greedy people! And no I don't mean me. Lol.)

I have sold some of my daughters books that are two young for her, she no longer reads fairy books (so sad), on Facebook sales.

I have also sold some old games on EBay. I still have quite a few things to try and sell.

There is a voucher for £5.00 off a £40 spend in lidl in todays Sun newspaper together with two free tickets to Shrek Adventure so I asked a friend who I know normally gets this paper to save these for me. (Thank you if your reading)

As you will know if you are a regular reader, I have been shopping at Aldi more than Lidl recently but with a voucher it is definitely worth going to lidl as they sell lovely fresh bread and rolls, that make a lovely Saturday lunch treat.

I have not done any walking today but as I am back walking to and from work next week I am not too worried as I know I will soon make up for my laziness this week.

I hope you have a lovely evening and take care xx

Friday, 19 February 2016

Friday rambling

Good Morning, its Friday again people and where I would normal be celebrating, this week it signifies the end of half term. Boo, I do love spending time with my favourite little people, even if their not all little any longer.

I decided to treat myself to a relaxing breakfast this morning sat at the table and catching up on my favourite blogs, you know who you are ;-). As I know next week I certainly won't have time for breakfast.

How healthy am I! Yeah ok, I know your all thinking, Yeah right!  But truly it was a lovely start to the morning. And Yes Nathalie, I do still want that Dunkin donut but slippery slope and all that...

My thirteen year old was complaining that it was cold this morning and whilst he is a skinny bean and has no meat on him, I frugally replied "The sun is shining go and put a jumper on. I think he took this comment to the extreme.

Its really not that cold and no one else has complained but I have relented and stuck the heating on for an hour. Poor boy!

So far today I have:-

  • Put the dishwasher on
  • Made the beds
  • Cleaned the kitchen
  • Wiped over the bathroom and toilet
  • Put the washing machine on - yes I know that will mean more ironing YUK
  • Bleached the Floors
  • Bleached the Kitchen cupboard doors
  • Completed the ironing

    Until this lot is dry!
That's about all I have done so far today but I will update you later in the day. I do want to put some items on eBay/Facebook sales and I do have five pieces of ironing that I couldn't face yesterday, ugh.
I think I'm going to have a bit of a lazy day today though as its the last day of the holiday and I would like to read at least a chapter of my new book.

Today, I had two helpers with lunch. Guess which one was the bossy one?

We had a good laugh whilst eating lunch today, unfortunately at my expense because every time I picked up a hula hoop it fell out of my hand, this happened to me about four times? They found it hysterical and my thirteen year old concluded that I really don't need to eat Hula Hoops anyway. Thanks son!

I was hoping that my mum might pop in for a cup of tea today, as I knew she was going shopping, but instead she rang. Firstly to tell me not to bother with the 2 for £1.50 eggs in Tesco as they are tiny and secondly to tell me that Tesco has my favourite cleaner on offer for £2.00 (this rarely happens).

Mmmm, this stuff smells so good and as I have a £1.50 clubcard voucher - that is no longer going to go on Easter eggs.  I can treat myself to this for 50p and have a delightful smelling kitchen for the next month. Its also good for the environment and lets face it we all need to try and reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible.
 Well, I have not read any of my book, I always feel guilty when there are things I should be doing but I have just realised that one of my favourite programs that I thought was due back on tonight is not on until next Friday so I will read for a bit tonight.
On a personal note:-
  1. I have entered 10 competitions today
  2. I have done two online reviews towards Amazon vouchers
  3. I have listed 2 items on FB sales and 2 items on EBay
I have not done any walking - oops
Have a lovely evening and take care xx

Thursday, 18 February 2016

One of those days

Good Morning, I hope you are all well.

Its still fairly early here and I am hoping the day will get better because I am frustrated today. Let me explain more!

I got up and made a coffee, I dropped the jar of coffee, argh, I managed to salvage most of it.

I got dressed and put my top on inside out, now I had good luck yesterday, so if I put it on the right way does that mean I will have bad luck today? Or the fact that I dropped the coffee does that mean if I turn it the right way I will have good luck. Or is this just superstitious gobbledygook? Probably.

I then tried to print some coupons from supersavvyme for cleaning products that I need to buy on payday but every time I go to print them it tells me this app can't run on your computer, why?
At first I thought it was because my computer was set to not allowing cookies, so I allowed cookies, still, This app can't run on your computer so I tried on my phone and guess what? Yes you guessed it THIS APP CANT RUN ON YOUR COMPUTER. Argh, Windows what is going on?
I need a young eighteen year olds help but he is at work for the next two days, earning some money, so I guess I will have to keep trying.

Then my ironing pile, if you have kept up with my news this week you will know apart from yesterday, I have ironed every day. Well check out this.

So now I am off to iron but I will update you later. Talk soon ;-)

Ok so things have improved a bit my dishwasher has not been cleaning things as well as it should be and I  had a snow flake shape lit up on the panel but I couldn't find the information book, its probably with the curtains rings that I can't find! Anyway I googled it and it just needed rinse aid, I should have guessed that really but I thought I had put salt and rinse aid in it recently. I guess not. So now it works. Yay!

My eight year old took a leaf out of his brothers book and helped me make lunch.

He even put name places on the table with kisses on them. He's such a cutie..

They all enjoyed his lunch.

Whilst eating lunch I received a message from a dear friend of mine saying that they had found my blog and thought it was good. It was so thoughtful of them to let me know and its someone who has always been there to help and support me so I wanted to say hi and thank you.

So as you can see the day definitely got better.

I then took my little people to the park and we had an hour of fun with the sun shining.

It was nice to get some fresh air and see them happily playing.

Things I achieved today

  • Sorted the dishwasher out and got a clean load of dishes
  • Hovered downstairs
  • Dusted downstairs
  • Tidied the two young boys room and used the frog toy bin
  • Ironing - yuk
  • Made the beds
  • Cleaned the bathroom and toilet
  • Went to the park
I put an easy dinner in for tea as my thirteen year old has cadets tonight so its an evening of going in and out and I want to read to the little ones before they go to bed tonight.

I think I'll have tuna in mine and some salad with it and then it'll be a nice healthy tea.

I walked a mile today.

I have only spent £1.00 today for my son to pay for cadets.

Have a lovely evening and take care xx

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

I won a competition

Hello dear friends, I hope you are having a lovely day.

My day has been lovely!

I got up to a couple of lovely thoughtful messages, one from my mum saying she would be popping over to see us and did I need anything from the shops, I said no because I didn't want her to have to stop just for me.

My eldest son arrived and it was lovely because he chatted and helped me make sandwiches for lunch, as I thought it would be nice to have lunch ready for mum when she arrived.

My mum arrived and as per normal she had stopped on her way here and bought goodies for us. We are spoilt rotten by her and my dad.

Whilst my mum was here, the doorbell went and a man was delivering a parcel, I advised him I hadn't ordered anything but he checked the name and it was definitely for me. I brought it in and opened it, very confused.

This was inside!

My mum and eldest son recommended I check my bank account, but I vaguely remember entering a competition for this a while ago, I often enter competitions if I think its something my children would like. I checked my emails, nothing. So I eventually called the number on the parcel and explained the situation, the man advised me I had won this and he had sent it out to me yesterday.

I don't think I have ever won anything before and have to admit to jumping around the kitchen.

I would like to thank Future publishing limited for the amazing prize.

My youngest son is really into cars in a big way and I will be putting this away for his birthday as I know he will be thrilled with it.  Lucky me!

I have also been doing online reviews in return for Amazon vouchers and now have £20.00 towards birthday and Christmas presents. Aren't I doing well.

I have to admit I did nothing apart from hoover the downstairs of the house today. Yes Nathalie Nada, nothing! I just spent the day chatting to my mum and eldest son whilst everyone else went about doing their usual thing.

I have done no walking this week so if the weathers nice tomorrow I might take the children out for a bike ride to make up for it.

I have one bid on one of my eBay items. Yes finally! But I didn't put anything else on eBay today, I will add more items tomorrow.

Now I'm going to clean the kitchen whilst my eldest boys go out for a run... I should be joining them but that really is a little too energetic.

When they get back I will put the little ones to bed and I promised my eldest son I would help him look at colleges in the US for his masters degree year. Wish me luck, it could be a long night.

Have a lovely evening and take care xx

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

I bought a bargain!

Hello dear friends, the sun is out and it's making me smile. Is it you too? Spring is on its way my crocus's are coming out.

Things I want to do today

Put the dishwasher on - done

Put a load of washing on - done x2 and on the line outside

Hoover downstairs - done

Clean kitchen - done

Put five items up for sale (EBay/Facebook sales) - done

Some Ironing - done

Look at ways to sort out my little ones room (it's driving me mad!) - done

Keep looking for those damn hooks - fail (what have I done with them?)

I feel like all I do is wash and iron. I think I will only have one load of washing to do tomorrow unless, I decide to wash the bedding but that will depend on the weather. I hate wet sheets hanging around the house.
Today, I managed to get more washing out on the line, I know I said it yesterday but yay Fresh Clothes!

I have been looking at the offers that are about at the moment and Tesco are doing buy one get one free on their Easter Eggs. They are £1.50 each (or in this case for two)
I only buy three Easter Eggs because my eldest is one diet and my eight year old does not like chocolate (is he really my child?).

If you noticed in my things to do I wrote get something to sort out my boys toys. The edge of their bedroom is a mess their is a lot of toys stuffed in between the end of their bed and the wall, so today I found something on Facebook sales that I thought might solve the problem and it was only £5.00.
What do you think?

My seven year old took this photo in the bathroom, so you wouldn't see his messy bedroom. Bless him. I think the plan is to put all their cars in him, it was either that or their Lego but id like to sort their Lego into a colour coded drawer system for them.
I have put some more items on Ebay today but I don't have any bids for any of the items that I have listed in the last two days yet.
Have a lovely evening. Take care xx

Monday, 15 February 2016

1st day off!

Good Morning

I have a list of things to do today

  • Make the beds - Done
  • Do some ironing - done
  • Unload and reload the dishwasher - done
  • Put some washing on - done x2
  • Put five items on eBay for sale - done
  • Find the rings for my daughters curtain rail
  • Put up my daughters new curtains
  • Clean the kitchen - done
  • Clean the bathroom - done
  • Make a chilli for dinner
I love the holidays it gives me a chance to catch up with things at home, and the kids a chance to relax and do what they want.

My eldest is still at university as he does not get a half term but he breaks up for summer in May!

My two youngest are just playing together.

My daughter is making her friends some Easter presents.

These are the things she made:-

She decided to keep the pendant at the bottom for herself as it's the first piece of jewellery she has ever made.
Didn't she do well! She is going to make some more tomorrow.
My thirteen year old is playing the Xbox, shocker! He does not want to be photographed so I took a photo of his lunch to prove he exists. Ha ha.

He had a cheese toastie, crisps and a cake.

I have put some washing on the line as its bright outside.

It does seem to be getting a bit chilly out there now and I might need to finish it off on the dryer, but at least it'll be nice and fresh.

Dinner is slowly cooking and will be ready as soon as Ben gets in from work.

I just need to put the rice in the rice cooker about 5pm.

I think I might fail in one of my targets. I can't find the rings for my daughters curtain pole which is so annoying as I remember putting the somewhere safe. Argh!

I haven't put our heating on today but that will change as soon as Ben gets in as its the first thing he does. He really has no understanding at all about being frugal!

Well I'm off to search for the rings, if I find them I will update you later.

Have a great day and take care xx

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Happy Valentines day

Hello dear friends, Happy Valentines day.

I hope you have all had a lovely day. I woke up to a lovely card, some pens for work, two books and some yummy smelling coconut shaving cream.

We then went into town and ordered Street fighter V for him, as his valentines present.

We came home and I popped to Aldi to do some shopping for tonight dinner and some food for next week.

I bought:-

3 boxes of cereal
2 packs of croissants
2 packs of egg waffles

2 packs Rump steak
1 pack Chicken
2 packs minced beef
1 pack of ham for lunches

Frozen chips
Battered Onion rings
Breaded Mushrooms

Apple Juice
4 bottles Diet coke

Bag of baking potatoes

chocolate chip mints
Barbeque stackers (like Pringles)
Garlic and onion dip

The total cost of this shop was £36.44

I am quite happy with what I managed to buy for this amount of money. There will be a few other things I need to buy during the week but a few items that I needed had sold out. I won't need to buy any breakfast or lunch items but possibly a few dinner bits.

I came home and cleaned out the fridge and re-stocked it with the items I had bought. I also put twenty of the cakes that my mum had made into the freezer for the next couple of weeks. I only froze the fruit and chocolate chip cakes as I know these will come out of the freezer the same as they went in.

Tonight I made my sweet man a steak dinner, with Prosecco which he very much appreciated and we have sent the children to bed apart from the thirteen year old, as I'm not sure I would get away with sending him to bed at 7pm, we are going to watch Fast and Furious 7.

My eldest son is looking at spending his summer in America at a summer camp, his university tutor is American and has put him in touch with some lovely people who have offered to help him. He is also considering doing his masters degree in Education in America and is currently looking at how much he will have to work and save to fulfil his dream. His tutor did his grade point average for him and this was 3.6 which means nothing to me at all. I don't know if this is good. I assume it would be as his results were a 1st which is great.
He has asked me to have a look at the various places with him tomorrow night as he would like to go to a summer camp in the same state he is considering doing his masters degree.

Have a lovely evening, take care xx