Good Evening, I hope you have had a nice couple of days.
We have spent the last couple of days having fun and spending time together. Do you like our peg Eiffel tower?
We built this rather than hang the washing out, it did get put out eventually much to the children disgust who accused me of destroying Eddie Eiffel...
Yesterday we treated ourselves to a frugal cinema trip. In the morning I popped onto the Odeon website, the children had said they would like to see either Finding Dory or Alice through the looking glass, when I put these into the online calculator there was a 10am showing of Alice through the looking glass for £2.50 each. Of course at that bargain price I booked it immediately and we trotted straight off into town.
We decided as we had a few minutes to spare before the film started to go into Poundland, we got four bottles of drink which were 2 for £2.00 and the children got a pack of sweets for £1.00 each costing £5.00.
The film was excellent in fact all three of the little ones said "We must buy that when it comes out on DVD". Quite often when we go to the cinema the children enjoy it but I have been known to get a swift elbow in the ribs from the child sitting next to me for snoring but on this occasion I thoroughly enjoyed it too and could watch it again (quite an accolade coming from the adult who struggles to sit through anything that is longer than an hour).
After the film had finished we decided to have a wander around town and get some ideas for Christmas and our eight year old had some birthday money to spend if he saw anything nice.
The first shop we looked around was Lush, my daughter is obsessed with this shop, there are lots of testers to try out and we tried popcorn flavoured lip scrub and came very close to buying the coconut shampoo which we all decided we could have eaten but refrained as we have quite a lot of shampoo in the cupboard. The boys decided they would like to all club their pocket money together and get this for their sister or Christmas (because she brings sunshine into their lives). I love that they are so thoughtful and kind to each other, I hope it never changes.
We then went into Paperchase and I heard lots of Oohs and aahs at all the stationery, bags and lunch bags. Our eight year old decided he wanted to buy himself a diary that he could log what he has done each day in (poor boy takes after me).
Our nine year old saw a backpack that he wanted to buy himself for school, he still has a little bit of birthday money left, but it would have only left him with £2.00 so I advised him to go home and think about whether he wants to spend £25.00 on a bag for school that will get ruined when his other bag still has lots of wear left in it.
It is a nice bag!
We then walked to the market and the children got a portion of chips each and I got a Ham salad sandwich and we went and sat in the park to eat. It was a lovely end to a nice day.
Sometimes its the simple things in life that make for a special day.
I hope you have a nice weekend, were looking to further our fun.
Take care xx